Rich Ross

2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2

January 2012 MASNA Live Podcast Released

From by Matt Pedersen

For those of you who want another aquarium podcast, don’t miss out on the monthly MASNA Live podcast that’s put together by At-Large Director Kevin Erickson.  This month’s release talks about my local club (with our surprise guest Marc Levenson), and the MASNA Speaks program that brought him to Duluth, MN.  The podcast continues with extensive coverage on Dr. Gail’s “Tang Release” and Hawaii’s ongoing debate over whether we’ll see a change to access to wild caught fish from Hawaii’s reefs.  This discussion includes a large panel discussion from many diverse viewpoints within the aquarium hobby and industry, including Dr. Andy Rhyne, Eric Cohen, Rich Ross, Tal Sweet, Jim Adelberg, Brandon Klaus and myself.  Kevin then kicks in with more from Ret Talbot.  It’s a shame that Hawaii is taking so much of our attention, but at the moment it seems that Hawaii is going to represent the most important “battle” of the marine aquarium industry and hobby this year.  You owe it to yourself to be educated and involved. Go get the latest podcast (as well as earlier releases) at