Rich Ross

2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2

Skeptical Reefkeeping 9: Test Kits, Chasing Numbers and Phosphate

From Reefs Magazine by Rich Ross and Chris Jury The Editors Note: In Skeptical Reefkeeping IX, Rich Ross is joined by our old friend Chris Jury as they try to come to terms with the “impossible” yet confirmed PO4 readings in Rich’s gorgeous reef. The analysis is thorough, thought- provoking, grounded in science and suggestive of a […]

Skeptical Reefkeeping Part 8: Animal Origins, Some Proposed Definitions

From Reefs Magazine Richard Ross and Kevin Erickson There are many terms in the marine aquarium hobby that are used in multiple ways by different people, which can cause a great deal of confusion. This is especially true as it pertains to the origins and sustainability of animals – it is possible to purchase an […]

Skeptical Reefkeeping Part 7: A look at Ethics

From Reefs Magazine By Richard Ross Ethical discussion about almost every area of reefkeeping has been a part of the hobby for as long as the hobby has existed – What size tank do I need to meet my animals’ needs? Are some animals better left in the ocean? Do I really need a separate […]

Skeptical Reefkeeping Part 6 – Communication

 From Reefs Magazine The Internet makes information instantly available for Reefkeepers all around the world, but that information can be clouded in inaccurate fog, anecdote, baseless opinion and unsubstantiated arguments from authority. To keep the inaccurate fog at a minimum in an effort to save money and save animals lives, you need to be able […]

Skeptical Reefkeeping Part 5: Experts and Changing Your Mind

From Reefs Magazine In the previous installments we talked about skeptical methodology and how it can be used to sort through the overwhelming amount of reefkeeping information that is now at the virtual fingertips of reef hobbyists. We also discussed how skeptical thinking has impacted the idea of sustainable reefkeeping, scientific terminology, magic products and […]