Rich Ross

Hasa diga eebowai

CITES and Seahorses – Why What Happened at Steinhart, (Kinda) Stays at Steinhart

y Matt Pedersen

Adult Pygmy Seahorse, Hippocampus bargibati,  on pink coral, Muricella- it was unknown if they would venture onto the pink coral. Image by Richard Ross

Adult Pygmy Seahorse, Hippocampus bargibati, on pink coral, Muricella – it was unknown if they would venture onto the pink coral. Image by Richard Ross

Opinion by Matt Pedersen

We just shared the news of the first successful captive-breeding of Hippocampus bargibanti at the wet hands of Steinhart aquarists Matt Wandell and Richard Ross. Marine breeders, and more specifically seahorse propagators, are no doubt ecstatic (Dare I borrow a line from from Ross: “Their heads are falling off”).

Of course, why didn’t this happen until now, and why can’t we all rush out to buy a captive-bredBargibant’s Seahorse? (more…)

Rich Ross: Chat with an Academy Scientist

Published on May 9, 2013

Rich Ross discusses his work at the Academy with cephalopods– octopus, squid and cuttlefish.
Rich discusses his ‘home-lab” and his exploration with the little-known Larger Pacific Striped Octopus – now in our Animal Attraction exhibit. Check out this video for a close up look

Mr. Saltwater Tank Visits The Steinhart Aquarium Philippine Reef Tank Part 2

Link to Part 1

Making a 213,000 gallon reef tank look great requires a lot of t.l.c., but also a lot of equipment. In part 2 of my Steinhart Aquarium tour, Richard Ross shows me the equipment needed to make the Philippine reef tank at the California Academy of Sciences look great. And there’s of course lots more shots of the tank. – by Mark Callahan

The Myth of Giant Squids! – Fact or Fictional w/ Veronica Belmont

The Myth of Giant Squids! – Fact or Fictional w Veronica Belmont from Richard Ross on Vimeo.

Mar 1, 2013

This week Veronica visits the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco to learn about gigantic cephalopods. How big is the squid?! Special thanks to Richard and the guys over at the Academy for letting us come play with the sea creatures!

If the youtube version bonks, click here for Vimeo version.

Mr. Saltwater Tank Visits Steinhart Aquarium

Link to Part 2


Tank dabbler, reef enthusiast or reef junkie…they all love the same thing: really big saltwater aquariums.  I’m a die-hard reef junkie and I’ve seen some big reef tanks in my live, but nothing compares to the Philippine reef tank at the California Academy of Sciences.  And who better to give me a tour, but Richard Ross, a.k.a “Mr. Cuttlefish” himself. – by Mark Callahan